Youtube Video Downloader Html, CSS and Java Script Code free download or copy for blogger and WordPress post

Youtube Video Downloader Html, CSS and Java Script Code free download or copy for blogger and WordPress post

Your Blog Post
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    <title>Youtube Downloader</title>


    <h1>Youtube Downloader</h1>
    <div class="link-container">
        <label for="">Video Link</label>
        <input class="link" name="link" placeholder="Enter Video Link" required="" type="text" />
    <div class="format-container">
        <label for="">Format</label>
        <select class="format" required="">
            <option disabled="" selected=""> Select Video Format</option>
            <option value="mp3">Mp3</option>
            <option value="mp4a">144</option>
            <option value="360">360</option>
            <option value="480">480</option>
            <option value="720">720</option>
            <option value="1080">1080</option>
            <option value="4k">4k</option>
            <option value="8k">8k</option>
    <div class="button-container">
        <button class="btn" type="submit">
  $(".btn").click(function (){
        var link =$(".link").val();
        var format =$(".format").children("option:selected").val();
        var src=""+link+"="+format+"";
        // children("option:selected")


    function download(link,format){
            .html('<iframe style="height: 50px; border: none; overflow: hidden;" src="'+ link+ '&f='+ format + '"></iframe>');
